When and where was Prophet Muhammad born?
Write the lineage of the father and mother of Prophet Muhammad until the fifth grandfather!
Why is the year of Prophet Muhammad’s birth called the Year of the Elephant? What event occurred? Explain!
How old was the father of the Prophet – Abdullah – when he passed away? Where was he buried? and how old was Prophet Muhammad at that time?
How old was the Prophet when his mother – Aminah – passed away? Where was she buried?
Name 4 people who have nurtured Prophet Muhammad!
When he was 9 years old, Prophet Muhammad and his Uncle went to Syria for trading, What happened there? Tell the story!
Who accompanied Prophet Muhammad on his second trading trip to Syria?
What happened upon Prophet Muhammad’s return from the second trading trip to Syria? Tell the story!
List 5 other things you know about Prophet Muhammad!
One example of Prophet Muhammad’s mission as a Mercy to the Worlds is…
a. The Quraysh Arab tribe eventually embracing the Islamic faith.
b. The annual celebration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad in every Muslim country.
c. The abandonment of the Arab custom of burying infant girls alive.
d. The establishment of Islamic states in the Middle East.
The verse that contains the command to preach to the closest relatives of Prophet Muhammad is…
a. “اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ”
b. “يا أَيُّهَا الْمُدَّثِّرُ قُمْ فَأَنْذِر”
c. “فَٱصْدَعْ بِمَا تُؤْمَرُ وَأَعْرِضْ عَنِ ٱلْمُشْرِكِينَ”
d. “وَأَنْذِرْ عَشِيرَتَكَ الأقْرَبِينَ”
The event of Prophet Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Medina occurred in the year…
a. 571 AD
b. 13 After Prophethood
c. 611 AD
d. 11 After Prophethood
Before Prophet Muhammad migrated to Medina, this city was called…
a. Thaif
b. Khaibar
c. Yathrib
d. Khandaq
The first mosque built by Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims in Medina was…
a. Medina Mosque
b. Quba Mosque
c. Al-Aqsa Mosque
d. Al-Haram Mosque
To develop the economy of the community in Medina, one of Prophet Muhammad’s initiatives was empowering Ghanimah. Ghanimah means…
a. War spoils
b. Zakat funds managed by Baitul Mal
c. Found property managed by the companions
d. Property received from the local inhabitants
One initiative undertaken by Prophet Muhammad in Medina was to move the market of the Muslim community away from the Jewish market. This was because…
a. The Jews were unbelievers who refused to believe
b. The Jews were skilled traders, so it was feared that Muslims would rarely make a profit
c. The Jews were dishonest in trade and often violated agreements made with Prophet Muhammad
d. The Jews used a language not understood by the Muslims
The meeting place between the Muhajirin and the Ansar to hold a meeting to discuss the successor to Prophet Muhammad was…
a. Tsaqifah Bani Sa’idah
b. Tsaqifah Bani Nadhir
c. Tsaqifah Bani Qurayzah
d. Tsaqifah Bani Ansar
The rulers who succeeded Prophet Muhammad as the heads of government are called…
a. Khulafaurrasyidin
b. Sheikhul Islam
c. Waratsatul Anbiya
d. Amirul Mukminin
One of the greatest achievements of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq was…
a. Suppressing the apostates
b. Conquering Byzantium
c. Compiling the Quran
d. Quelling the rebellion
Among the following, the False Prophet is…
a. Aswad Al-Ansi
b. Abu Aswad Ad-Du’aly
c. Aswad bin Shaja’ah
d. Amr bin Fuhairah
One of Khalifah Ali ibn Abi Talib’s policies was…
a. Fighting the apostates in the Arabian Peninsula
b. Expanding the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina
c. Increasing the role of scholars in Islamic preaching
d. Replacing the governors appointed during the time of Usman ibn Affan
The peace agreement between the faction of Khalifah Ali ibn Abi Talib and the faction of Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan in the Battle of Siffin is called…
a. Majlis Nizam al-Idari
b. Majlis Nizam al-Shura
c. Majlis Tahkim Diwanul Jundi
d. Majlis Tahkim Daumatul Jandal
The group dissatisfied with Khalifah Ali ibn Abi Talib and Muawiyah, declaring their departure and hostility toward both, are called…
a. Mu’tazilah
b. Kharijites
c. Shia
d. Ahlul Bayt
The event that marks the establishment of the Umayyad Dynasty with certainty is…
a. The Battle of Siffin and the occurrence of Arbitration
b. The assassination of Khalifah Ali ibn Abi Talib
c. The handing over of the caliphate from Hasan ibn Ali to Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan
d. The event of Karbala
The center of government of the Umayyad Dynasty was in…
a. Baghdad
b. Damascus
c. Kufa
d. Persia
One of the most influential Umayyad caliphs in compiling Hadiths was…
a. Umar ibn Abdul Aziz
b. Al-Walid ibn Abdul Malik
c. Abdul Malik ibn Marwan
d. Yazid ibn Muawiyah
Marwan ibn Muhammad or Marwan II, the last Umayyad caliph, was captured in…
a. Fustat, Egypt
b. Kairouan, Tunisia
c. Damascus, Syria
d. Tripoli, Libya
The descendant of the Umayyad Dynasty who successfully fled to Spain and established the Umayyad Dynasty II there was named…
a. Abdurrahman Ad-Dakhil
b. Yazid II
c. Musa ibn Nusayr
d. Uqba ibn Nafi
The founder of the Abbasid Dynasty was…
a. Abdullah ibn Abbas
b. Abdul Muttalib
c. Abu Abbas As-Saffah
d. Ubaidillah ibn Abbas
The following are some factors that led to the establishment of the Abbasid Dynasty, except…
a. The Abbasids positioned themselves as anti-Umayyad rulers
b. The Shia community harbored deep wounds and always sought revenge for the events of Karbala
c. The Kharijites were displeased with Ali and Muawiyah and staged various rebellions
d. The Mawali (non-Arab and slave) demanded equality and justice from the Umayyad rule
The geographical position of the Abbasid center of government in Baghdad was very advantageous politically and economically because it was flanked by two rivers. These two rivers are…
a. Nile and Tigris
b. Nile and Euphrates
c. Euphrates and Zambezi
d. Euphrates and Tigris
The book al-Muwatta’ is the work of one of the most famous scholars of the school of thought. He is…
a. Imam Hanafi
b. Imam Maliki
c. Imam Shafi’i
d. Imam Hanbali
The research institution and the largest library established by Khalifah Harun al-Rashid and developed by his son Khalifah Al-Ma’mun for the study of Islamic science and civilization. This institution is called…
a. Baitul Mal
b. Baitul ‘Ulum
c. Baitul Hikmah
d. Baitul Quran
Ibn Sina’s work in the field of medicine is…
a. Qanun fi Falsafah
b. Qanun fi Tibb
c. Qanun fi Din
d. Qanun fi Falak
The monumental works of Hadith scholars during the Abbasid period are called…
a. Kutub al-Sittah
b. Musnad al-Kabir
c. Akhbar al-Zaman
d. Diwan al-Ulama al-Hadith
The nation that destroyed Baghdad at the end of the Abbasid Caliphate was…
a. China
b. Mongols
c. Portugal
d. Turkey
Before the Ayyubid Dynasty came to power, Egypt was ruled by…
a. Mamluk Dynasty
b. Seljuk Dynasty
c. Fatimid Dynasty
d. Ottoman Dynasty
A military commander who opened the city of Cairo and established Al-Azhar in Egypt in 970 AD was named…
a. Jawhar al-Siqly
b. Salahuddin al-Ayyubi
c. Najmuddin bin Ayyub
d. Nuruddin Zangi
The military advancement of the Ayyubid Dynasty admired by the Western nations, one of which was…
a. Ability to create a machine gun firing 30 bullets per minute
b. The use of carrier pigeons to gather military information
c. His prowess in assembling the largest military army in the world
d. His skill in the art of sword fencing
- C
- D
- B
- C
- B
- A
- C
- A
- A
- A
- A
- D
- D
- B
- C
- B
- A
- A
- A
- C
- C
- D
- B
- C
- B
- A
- B
- C
- A
- B

List 3 (three) efforts undertaken by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Muslim community upon arriving in Medina!
What are the factors causing the decline and fall of the Abbasid Dynasty? Mention 2 (two) only!
How was the condition of the Arab nation before the advent of Islam? Explain!
Write down the lineage of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) up to his fifth grandfather!
How old was Prophet Muhammad’s father when he passed away and where was he buried?
When and where was Prophet Muhammad born?
Why is the year of Prophet Muhammad’s birth called the Year of the Elephant? What event took place? Explain!
There were two women who nursed the Prophet after being brought back by Umm Ayman from Medina when the Prophet’s mother passed away? Name them!
When he was 9 years old, the Prophet and his uncle went to Syria for trade, then met a monk. What was the monk’s name and what did he say to Abu Talib about the Prophet?
Who accompanied the Prophet on his second trade journey to Syria?
How old was the Prophet when his mother Aminah passed away? Where was she buried?
Abdul Muttalib nursed the Prophet for 2 years. After Abdul Muttalib passed away, the Prophet was fostered by his uncle named Abu Talib. How many years was the Prophet fostered by Abu Talib?
Why is the year of Prophet Muhammad’s birth referred to as the Year of the Elephant? Explain!
Write down the first revelation sent down to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)!
What was the condition of the Arab nation before the advent of Islam?
List 3 purposes or benefits of studying the History of Islamic Culture!
- How old was the Prophet when revelation descended upon him? Who was the one who revealed the revelation to him? Where did it descend? And write down Surah Al-Alaq 5-1.
- Why did the Prophet start his call secretly? How many years did the secret call last? Who among the boys believed in him during this period?
- Who among the Quraysh harmed the Messenger the most? Mention only three of them! And how did God avenge all the mockers (polytheists)?
- What were the conditions of the weak Muslims who had no protector? Did the Quraysh torture them? How did they torture them? And mention the most famous ones they tortured!
- The revelation began with true dreams, so what is a true dream?
- Why did the Arabs before Islam used to kill their children?
- Write down the second revelation (Surah Al-Muddaththir: 7-1)!
- The Prophet was commanded to proclaim the call openly, write down the verse in which Allah commands him to do so!
- Where are Safa and Marwa located?
- Who is Abu Lahab? And what did he say to our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
- Why did Quraysh’s love for the Prophet turn into hatred?
- Why did Quraysh boycott Abu Talib? And what did they say to him?
- Who is Ammarah ibn al-Walid?
- Why did the polytheists (Quraysh) refrain from harming the Messenger?
⦁ What were the factors that prompted Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to migrate to Abyssinia?
⦁ Explain the origin of the concept of praying for absent believers (Salat al-Ghaib) in Islam.
⦁ What did the Quraysh disbelievers do to boycott Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Muslims?
⦁ What is meant by Isra’ Mi’raj? When did it occur? Tell the story!
⦁ Write down the contents of the Treaty of Aqabah I!
⦁ How did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) escape from the siege of the Quraysh disbelievers when he intended to migrate to Medina?
⦁ Write down the poem recited by the Ansar when welcoming the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Medina!
⦁ What did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Muslims do upon arriving in Medina?
⦁ Explain the origin of Qunut in Islam!
⦁ Write down the names of the Rashidun Caliphs and their respective titles!
⦁ What was the condition of the Arab nation before the advent of Islam?
⦁ Why is the year of Prophet Muhammad’s birth called the Year of the Elephant? What event took place? Tell the story!
⦁ Write down the names of 3 (three) wives and 3 (three) children of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that you know!
⦁ What was the process of appointing Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (RA) as the caliph?
⦁ What efforts were made by Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (RA) during his caliphate?
⦁ Write down the names of 3 (three) false prophets that you know!
⦁ Is it true that Uthman ibn Affan (RA) practiced nepotism (choosing his own family members for certain positions)? Explain!
⦁ Why did Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) and Aisha (RA) go to war? What was the name of the war?
⦁ Describe the process of collection and writing of the Quran during the time of Abu Bakr and Uthman ibn Affan! Whose suggestion was it? Why?
⦁ Write down the titles of the Rashidun Caliphs and their meanings respectively!
Write down the titles of the Rashidun Caliphs and their meanings respectively!
What efforts were made by Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (RA) during his caliphate?
Is it true that Uthman ibn Affan (RA) practiced nepotism (choosing his own family members for certain positions)? Explain!
Describe the process of collection and writing of the Quran during the time of Abu Bakr and Uthman ibn Affan! Whose suggestion was it? Why?
What do you know about Tahkim (Arbitration)? Explain!
What is meant by ‘Amul Jama’ah? Explain!
What is the chronological sequence of the formation of the Umayyad Dynasty? Explain briefly!
List 3 reasons why the city of Byzantium should be conquered by the Muslims!
Name 5 Islamic scholars who emerged during the Umayyad Dynasty and their respective fields!
What are the distinctive characteristics and special privileges of the Umayyad and Hashemite Dynasties, respectively?
List the factors that caused Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia!
Tell me what you know about Hamzah and Umar!
What did the Quraysh disbelievers do to boycott and ostracize the Prophet? How many years did this boycott last?
Who is Ja’far ibn Abi Talib? What did he do?
When the Quraysh disbelievers learned about the migration of the Prophet and the Muslims to Abyssinia, they followed them bringing gifts for the Abyssinian king. They persuaded the king to send the Muslims back to Mecca. What are the names of the two Quraysh disbelievers who were sent as envoys?
What did King Negus say to the two envoys?
Explain the origin of Salat al-Ghaib (prayer for absentees) in Islam! How did it come about?
What events occurred in the following years:
a. 10th year of Prophethood:
b. 5th year of Prophethood:
c. 7th year of Prophethood:
d. When Prophet Muhammad was 53 years old:
e. 10th year of Hijrah:
f. 23rd year of Prophethood:
What did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) do upon arriving in Medina?
Did Uthman ibn Affan (RA) practice nepotism? Explain!
What do you know about the arbitration (tahkim) between Ali (RA) and Muawiyah? Explain briefly!
Who were the founders of the Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties? Mention two achievements of each dynasty!
What wisdom can be drawn from the downfall of the two mentioned dynasties?
Explain the background of the Battle of Badr! When did it occur?
Why did the Muslims lose in the Battle of Uhud? What lessons can we learn from this defeat?
What do you know about:
a. Khalid ibn Walid
b. Abdullah ibn Ubay
c. Salman al-Farisi
d. Raihanah al-Quradhiyah
What is meant by the Conquest of Mecca (Fathu Makkah)? Why?
What is meant by Tabanni? Explain with an example! What is its ruling?
When did the following events occur – [Hijri years] – :
⦁ Prohibition of Mut’ah Marriage (Temporary Marriage)
⦁ Obligation of Hijab
⦁ Change of Qibla
⦁ Institution of Hajj
⦁ Institution of Fasting and Zakat
What is Hajj al-Wada’? When did it happen? What message did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) give us in that event?
List the Names of the Wives and Children of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)!
Write down the titles of each of the Rashidun Caliphs and their meanings!
What efforts were made by Abu Bakr during his reign?
What factors prompted Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Muslim community to migrate to Abyssinia?
What did the Quraysh disbelievers do to boycott the Prophet and the Muslims? How long did this boycott and ostracism last?
What is meant by ‘Aamul Huzni’? Why? Explain!
Why did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) migrate to Taif? What happened there?
When did the event of Isra’ Mi’raj occur? What does it signify? What happened during Isra’ Mi’raj?
Describe how Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) managed to escape the siege of the Quraysh disbelievers and ultimately succeeded in migrating to Medina?
What was the purpose of Prophet Muhammad and the Muslim community migrating to Medina?
Which mosque was the first to be built by the Prophet and the Muslim community in Medina?
Compose a poem recited by the Ansar (helpers) upon welcoming the arrival of the Prophet and the Muslim community in Medina!
Explain the origin of Salat al-Ghaib (funeral prayer in absentia) and Qunut in Islam!
⦁ Write a short story about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)! (freestyle; anything you know; 10-15 lines)
⦁ Is it true that Usman bin Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) practiced nepotism (choosing his own family members for certain positions)? Explain!
⦁ What do you know about arbitration (tahkim); the arbitration council of Daumatul Jandal? In what event does it occur?
⦁ Describe the process of collection and writing of the Quran during the time of Abu Bakr and Usman bin Affan! Whose proposal was it? Why?
⦁ Write the titles of the Rashidun Caliphs, their meanings, and why they were given those titles!
Umayyad Dynasty Abbasid Dynasty
Founder? ……………. ……………….
Famous Caliph? ……………. ……………….
Government Efforts/Focus? ……………. ……………….
Decline/Destruction; Reason? ……………. ……………….
The establishment of the Abbasid Dynasty was undoubtedly influenced by a series of resistance from three major groups against the Umayyad Dynasty. Mention and explain these three groups!
Why was the capital of the Abbasid Dynasty moved to Baghdad? State the reasons!
Name any 5 Abbasid caliphs you know!
What do you know about the House of Wisdom (Baitul Hikmah)? Who founded it?
The Abbasid Dynasty reached its peak under the rule of two caliphs. Who were they?
What advancements were made by the Abbasid Dynasty during its reign?
List as many Islamic scholars born during the Abbasid caliphate period as you can! In what fields were they prominent?
What positive values did the Islamic community during the Abbasid period gain from the assimilation and acculturation (cultural blending) between Arabs and non-Arabs?
What were the internal and external factors contributing to the collapse of the Abbasid Dynasty? Mention them!
What lessons can be learned from the long journey of the Abbasid caliphate from its inception to its downfall?
Name two important cities in Spain as entry points and centers of Islamic development in Europe!
List the factors that led Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Muslim community to migrate to Abyssinia!
What was the condition of the Arab society before the advent of Islam?
At the age of 9, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his uncle traveled to Syria for trade. What happened there? Explain!
Write down the first revelation that was sent to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)!
List the individuals who are among the Awwalul Mu’miniin (the first believers) along with their affiliations!
What do you know about a young man named ‘Umaarah bin Waliid? Tell us about it!
What event served as the background – Asbabun Nuzul – for the revelation of Surah Al-Kafirun?
Who embraced Islam in the 7th year of Prophethood?
When the Quraysh disbelievers failed to persuade Abu Thalib or torture Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), they eventually tortured the Prophet’s companions. Why did they resort to this?
Write a short story about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)! (freestyle; anything you know; 5-10 lines)
Source: elfurqan.com
- Date of Birth of the Prophet
Question: The Prophet was born on the 12th of Rabi’ al-Awwal in the Year of the Elephant. When calculated in the Gregorian calendar, on which date, month, and year was the Prophet Muhammad born?
Answer: April 20 or 22, 571 CE - Other Names of the Prophet
Question: Prophet Muhammad is known by several names, name 3 other names for Prophet Muhammad?
Answer: Ahmad, Al-Maahi, Al-Haasyir, Al-‘Aqib, Al-Muaqaffa - Titles of the Prophet
Question: Mention three titles described by the Prophet about himself!
Answer: Nabiyur Rahmah (Prophet of Mercy), Nabiyyul Malhamah (Prophet involved in major battles), and Nabiyyut Taubah (Prophet opening the door of repentance) - Name of the Prophet’s Horse
Question: Every object the Prophet owned, he always gave a name. What is the name of the horse owned by the Prophet as a gift from the king Muqouqis?
Answer: Lizaz - Sign of the Prophet’s Death
Question: The Prophet’s death was near, indicated in the words of Allah SWT in which surah?
Answer: An-Nashr - Meaning of Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin
Question: The Islam religion descended upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW is a mercy to the worlds, what does it mean?
Answer: Islam for all people and creatures - Secret Preaching
Question: For how many years did Prophet Muhammad SAW preach secretly?
Answer: 3 years - Title from the Quraysh Community
Question: What title did the Quraysh community give to Prophet Muhammad SAW?
Answer: Al-Amin - Giving the Name Muhammad
Question: Who named the baby Aminah with the name Muhammad and where was the naming ceremony done?
Answer: Abdul Muthalib under the Ka’bah - Journey to Mecca
Question: In the 6th year after Hijrah, Prophet Muhammad and a large group headed towards Mecca for what purpose?
Answer: To make a treaty with the polytheists.